Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chit-Chat Wednesday - CARBS WIN FOR COMFORT

If Agatha Christie is the comfort food of books for me, albeit in a sinister type of way… that got me thinking about my favourite comfort food. On a rainy day in Sydney this week I felt as if my spirits needed elevating - what better to achieve this than a big hit of carbs?

I think my ultimate comfort food meal is spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread followed by apple crumble. Divine! Just the smell is enough to make me feel chirpy about life with the basil, oregano, and garlic wafting through the house. Followed by piping hot cinnamon spiced apple with a dollop of yoghurt. Total perfection, non?

Daisy also loves it, purely I suspect because she can make such a mess with the spaghetti and sauce. There always ends up more on the floor and her face than in her mouth.

What is your favourite comfort food? Is it carbs like mine or do you hanker for more sophisticated fare? Do you like the sugar hit? Are you a Green & Blacks person or do you go for cheese? Do tell!

Do you know the lovely whimsical literary blog Her Library Adventures? It's Sophie's blog and well worth a visit as Sophie is having a fabbo give-away to celebrate her Etsy store reopening. Throw your hat in the ring with Sophie, leave a comment and you might win one of her goodies! Sophie is a self-described little-bit-50s housewife, a touch Alice In Wonderland and a smidge 60s lovechild. My kind of gal indeed! Her blog is vintage inspired, filled with beauty, literary and crafty type lovelies. She also has a truly impressive vintage typewriter collection. Love her! I always find Her Library Adventures a most inspiring place to be.

Enjoy your week and hope whatever food you do crave it nourishes your soul and is burnt up quickly in ferocious creative energy!


  1. Yup, it's pasta and bread, for me, too!! Mmm-mmm-mmm.

  2. I will agree with you whole heartedly! Nothing like carbs for comfort! Good Lord girl, that bolognese sounds good! My favorites are always some sort of pasta..usually with cheese. Rigatoni with chicken cacciatore, fontina tortoloni, some kind of gratinati..or good old American (southern style) mac & cheese! Comfort dessert of all time..custard in any form. Frozen custards, zabaglione..warm with berries and wine, dulce de leche, creme brulee... I may start to cry. Yes, I can feel the swell. Love!!

  3. I absolutely love spaghetti bolognese too.. it is such an amazing comfort food... that and chicken pot pie.

  4. is that sophia loren? - she owed everything she had to pasta! it's comfort food all the way for me at the moment, being a ravenous breast-feeding mother of twins! i love spaghetti bolognaise too, and baked pasta dishes, and someone mentioned macaroni cheese- yum - and mashed potato, which makes me think of fish pie - heaven! and chocolate, lots of it, and chocolate cake with chocolate ganache ...

  5. Willow, it was time to pay you back for making me hungry with all your lovely meals at the Manor! Michelle, I could cry with you. I am starving just reading your post! American Southern style Mac and Cheese sounds pretty fabbo. Jennifer, I have never had a chicken pot pie but I think I would love it! Pinry, it is indeed Sophia Loren. She claims eating pasta gave her the terrific figure she has! I do love mashed potato as well. I love to make a big bowl of it and eat it by itself. Oh and chocolate cake of course! Home made chocolate cake is the best! I am very greedy as you can see. xx

  6. Spuds. In any shape or form. I sit hear looking at an empty packet of Smiths Thinly Cuts. I add the vinegar (apply cider or balsamic - I'm not fussy). It's far better than the Smith's Salt and Vinegar which has acetic acid and burns the inside of your mouth!
    Creamy spuds take you away, 'specially with bacon mixed through them. Oh and baked potato with sour cream. Lots of tomatoe and onion on top.
    OH, man.
    Such an attraction to the deadly nightshade family. It's worrying.

  7. I am hearing you Helen! I worship the spud too! And potato pie as well. I bet you will sell a mean potato pie in your pie shop! I'm getting a bit worked up thinking about it! And baked potato in their jacket with lots of butter, cheese, avocado and salt. I love the humble potato so much! Only not crisps. I can live without them. It's the real thing I adore. xx

  8. I have had a little too much comfort food, it is everywhere is Tasmania! Thanks so much for letting me know about Oatlands. We stopped in for a coffee and a little shopping.

  9. cooking is one of my loves. italian cooking. lots of pasta.....oh, and soups in winter....
    chocolate, too...lindt pear intense.....AND it's on special at the supermarket at the moment! also, i heard there was a lindt cafe opened up. i have to check that out...

  10. Hey, replied to your comment on my blog about films - so check it out. As for food - we are likeminded souls - I live and breathe spag bol and grew up with lots of crumble for pudding. I wrote a whole tribute to Spag bol for one of my first blog entries - see here:
    Plus thanks for recommending Her Library Adventures - it looks cool and I'lm going to add it to my blogroll... xxx

  11. Food glorious food! Great comfort for the souls...
    Sophia Loren is gorgeous!

  12. I´m planning a trip to Sydney by the end of this month, it´s been too long since I was there:)

    Have a wonderful weekend
    Hugs Gunilla in Singapore


Thanks ever so for your comment! I love feedback! xx