Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Little Brick Cottage

The very eloquent and fascinating Belette from la Belette Rouge recently invited me to guest post (my first time!) on her Blog on the topic of What Home Means To Me. This was quite an intimidating challenge as so many others had written such strong pieces (not to mention I'm in the middle of several deadlines). August is a killer month for me! It's also a very difficult topic to define as it really does continue to elude me, this whole concept of 'HOME’. However, this is my piece, together with a few photos of my cottage.


  1. Hi Josephine, This is truly bizarre, I just posted today about stone cottages and how I love them. And from Tasmania as well! I totally agree with your guest post, well written. Well done.

  2. what an awesome post! thank-you so much for sharing that with us...we are so privileged to be allowed to share those wonderful memories. i used to rent a house that was built in 1893 and, although i never knew much about it, i could feel that it had always been a happy place. and i bet that is what people sense about your home as well.....

  3. off to read your guest post and of course love stone cottages...

  4. Thanks Cat. That is a lovely thing to say. Simone and Sarah (beachy girls!) I am so with you on the stone and brick cottages! xx

  5. i love your romantic view of your home. your respect for its history and overlaying of personal touches must mean it has far more character than those slick renovations your builders wanted to foist on you. i sympathise about the small size though - we were living in an art deco flat close to the city with our first child, but that wouldn't do at all once the twins came along as well. we're still hunting, and it looks like either size or location will be sacrificed...
    thanks for your kind comments today x

  6. Thank you so much for your gorgeous post. Considering all you have on your plate my thanks feels inadequate. My readers and I so enjoyed the inside look at your lovely stone college. I seem to be unable to commit to a house but your stone cottage is enough to get a gal over her issues. Love it and love your writing!! Thanks again!!!


Thanks ever so for your comment! I love feedback! xx